python3 -m ekglib.dataops_rules_executor --help
usage: python3 -m ekglib.dataops_rules_executor [-h] [--verbose]
                                                  [--dataops-root STORY_RULE_ROOT]
                                                  [--static-datasets-root STATIC_DATASETS_ROOT]
                                                  [--dataset-code DATASET_CODE]
                                                  [--branch BRANCH]
                                                  [--sparql-endpoint SPARQL_ENDPOINT]
                                                  [--sparql-database SPARQL_DATABASE]
                                                  [--sparql-userid SPARQL_USERID]
                                                  [--sparql-passwd SPARQL_PASSWD]

Processes each rule.ttl file in the given directory and executes it against
the given SPARQL endpoint

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose, -v         verbose output
  --dataops-root DATAOPS_RULE_ROOT
                        The root directory where all rule subdirectories can
                        be found
  --static-datasets-root STATIC_DATASETS_ROOT
                        The static datasets root, relevant when dataset-
  --dataset-code DATASET_CODE
                        The code of the dataset that we're going to run the
                        dataops rules against
  --branch BRANCH       The branch name we're working on, default main
  --sparql-endpoint SPARQL_ENDPOINT
                        The SPARQL endpoint
  --sparql-database SPARQL_DATABASE
                        The SPARQL database
  --sparql-userid SPARQL_USERID
                        The SPARQL userid
  --sparql-passwd SPARQL_PASSWD, --sparql-password SPARQL_PASSWD
                        The SPARQL password

Currently only supports turtle.