Rust Installation

See the Rust installation instructions.

Updating Rust

rustup update

Installing Rust on MacOS

There are multiple ways to install Rust on MacOS, our recommendation is to use rustup with HomeBrew.

Install Rust with HomeBrew

On the Rust website, they recommend to install rust using this command:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

As you can see, it first installs rustup which is kind of a special install script for all the various tools around rust, including rust itself. They call that a “tool chain”. With rustup you can install or update or change your rust toolchain.

Rustup itself does not really change much, so you can just as well install it via HomeBrew instead and leave it to a regular brew upgrade command to upgrade rustup now and then as well.

brew install rustup

Then go the git repo root directory and type

rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup override set nightly